Meet the Roving Oldies

We are Jo and Sandra, GenX besties who love to travel. As we explore the world during our “second act”, we’ve realized that sometimes being an “oldie” comes with travel limitations.

We’re here to share our travel tips, itineraries, and guides, all written from the viewpoint of a middle-aged traveler who still wants to see it all… even if we can’t do it all.

Hi, I’m Jo!

Not traveling much as a child gave me a real wanderlust as an adult. Now there’s no stopping me from seeing as much of the world as I can, and I’m always looking for the next special place to visit.

My favorite destinations typically involve historic charm, quaint shopping, and relaxation.

Hi, I’m Sandra!

Travel is second nature to me, having grown up in a military family that many places around the world. But my thirst to see more of the world can never be quenched, and I’m always looking for a new adventure.

My favorite destinations typically involve beaches, nature, and lots of opportunities to try new foods.

How to Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you! You can email us at the following:

Where to Follow Us

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